Saturday, May 3, 2008

Tech Stars

So, as part of one of my classes this semester I was required to keep a blog of reflections on the technology/internet/web 2.0 industry. I am going to stop posting there and just keep on with my reflections on the industry I hope to be a part of here in my regular blog.

Oldies But Goodies: The Old Tech Blog Posts

I don't really have anything to comment on today, but Craig did send me this article which I think is quite interesting and true among my generation.
I also think it is interesting that Craig sent me an article about a social network because it is my "thing" which validates a lot of network theory that has to do with transactive memory. It basically says that we don't want the cognitive load of having to remember everything so we ask an expert friend to deal with it for us. (it is why you send certain articles to certain people because you think it is their "thing") We offload memory onto other people so that we can call on them when we need to recall that knowledge. I think network theory is pretty cool, minus the abstract math.

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