Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Your Disco Stick

One of my favorite shows (Chuck) + One of my favorite ridiculous people (Lady GaGa) = Y.E.S.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So Rad Dude

So, I've been watching this web series called Dorm Life and one of the running jokes is S.R.D. or So Rad Dude. I am filling out an application and came across the following 2 things and couldn't help but think that the application is SRD!


"Fill this whole thing out, try to print legibly, and don't even think of writing 'See resume' because that will not fly"

"Go ahead and brag about additional education, training, certifications, patents, licenses, thesis projects, awards, publications or activities you consider significant. (Attach a separate sheet if you're really that much of a big shot)."

Look look, we are a hip media company so our application isn't as dry as those other companies - SO RAD DUDE!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Pretend She Isn't There

Here are some hot photographs of Reggie Bush and his girlfriend... I pretend she isn't there and just drool over how attractive Reggie is.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tiny Bubbles

Here is more proof that if you could be any animal you should be a dolphin.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Revenge of the Nerds

So I found this on FailBlog and I just couldn't resist sharing:

You can see the original post here.

Epic win.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Totally Looks Like

So when I first saw this ad (below) for the new Dane Cook tour I thought, "why is Tom Brady on the poster?" I am not sure what this means for either of them... but I am quite confident that it is not good.

Tom Brady (for reference):

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Elbows Up, Side to Side in the Bath!

So there was an incident near my home (and by that I mean the shootout happened on my street [though admittedly I was enjoying a game of hockey in Orange County]).

Here is the follow-up Trojan Alert that was sent out once the incident cleared:
"The LAPD/DPS search of the North University Park area for three outstanding suspects was cleared at approximately midnight on March 11, 2009. Menlo is still not open to vehicle traffic, but students and residents are able to return to the area.

LAPD Detectives are still investigating this case, but we now know that four suspects were involved in a shooting with LAPD officers at Budlong and Adams March 11, 2009. The suspects then fled in a vehicle before crashing in the 2600 block of Menlo after striking a USC tram. No one on the tram was injured. Three suspects fled on foot and were apprehended through the efforts of LAPD, DPS and persons who called with information.

Any additional information released about this incident will come from LAPD through the local media or a media release. Thank you for cooperating with this investigation and contact LAPD if you have any information that may be helpful."

This description (lifted from the first Trojan Alert) "one suspect is described as male Hispanic, shaved head, white t shirt, dark pants and stud earrings in both ears," prompted me to google image search cholo. Because, well, why not make assumption and group people and be racist etc. (white girl at a hockey game in orange county when the shots were fired, after all).

This was my most exciting result:

I found this exciting because:
a. heteronormativity, hazing, and defining sexuality.
b. did they really put a hazing ritual on the interwebz? Don't get caught, guys. (I am assuming this to be hazing, yes)
c. the guy in front has a clown faced woman tattoo... I think they are creepster. the end.
d. men, masculinity and gangs. <3s.
e. this was the 2nd result when I google image searched. why? what does it say about our society's browsing behavior and prevailing opinion.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cocain Peppers

I wonder who didn't report the cocaine in their peppers? (ARTICLE)

Also, I still cannot find a job. I am very discouraged. I have started to apply to things that are not on the career path I really want to be on.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pink Dolphins in Lakes

I think you should read this: ARTICLE

They probably could have come up with a more interesting name than Pink.